Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Grade 1 _Introduction to the theatrical masks: Animals

Throughout the world masks are used in theater for their expressive power.
The oldest representations in masks are animals.

During the previous month, Grade 1 was introduced to the basic rules of creating an animal mask, worked on their template and applied their skills on real paper theatrical masks.

Stay tuned to watch their upcoming video on the animal dance!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Lindy and the Time Machine the movie trailer

As you know already, the Grade 6 is working on filming their movie; "Lindy and the Time Machine".
This is the video trailer of their upcoming work - please enjoy!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

HIS Drama Club visits TAS "Annie" !

"Annie" is a very dear show to us HIS Drama Club!

So it's a real pleasure to see that the TAS Middle School is putting up the same show we did last year.

What would be better than to visit all of us the show, meet the director, chat with the actors and exchange experience?

On Saturday, May 18th we will meet at school 16:45.  The bus will leave HIS at 17:00 and  the show starts 19:30.

One more ticket is left to be sold - so if you still haven't made up your mind and you really want to join us please write to me an email as soon as possible.

Can't wait!

Friday, May 10, 2013

Our "New Tomorrow" - a gift from all of us to all of you!

And here it is!

Our "New Tomorrow" video clip is here, a gift  from all of us (Grades 1 - 6), to all of you with a lot of love.
The recordings took place in the school using the HIS recording equipment.
