Wednesday, November 12, 2014

What's new for our Sticky Board Performances? (Grades 3-6)

Sticky Board Performers: If your score is 9 or 10 you will have to sing again in the finals.
The best score sings in an assembly!!!

The Dance Competition has started in Grade 3!

As you all know, we are looking for a dance team from each grade that will perform a dancing routine by memory.

All of you will have the chance to test your dancing skills in the dance competition, which just started in Grade 3.

(Soon we will have it for Grades 1, 2, 4, 5 and 6)

Stay tuned for updates!!!

Friday, October 17, 2014

Grade 2 working on their Musical Number: "Be Kind To Your Parents"

Our performance is approaching!
You are all very welcome to attend the Grade 2's first performance on a number of the musical "FANNY".
It will be held in the HIS library - during the October's assembly at 14:15.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Our video clip for the awareness week :)

It took a lot of time and effort to make this video, but we feel that it totally worths it!

Our students from  Grades 3, 4, 5 and 6 recorded the cover of the song "Am I Wrong" by Nico and Vinz and performed for the pictures and the video clip.

The song talks about never giving up your dreams, always believing in yourself and never letting the others stop you from your vision and goals.

Please, enjoy it!

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Grade 2 and a song from FANNY

Grade 2 will present at the October's assembly a short musical number from the well known musical:
The performers are:
Morris, Florence, Andrew, Belle, Yolanda and Alex.

Look for the upcoming video!!

Monday, October 6, 2014

Readers Theatre - Grade 6

Readers Theater is an integrated approach for involving students in reading, writing, listening, and speaking activities.  It involves children in….
  • sharing literature,
  • reading aloud,
  • writing scripts,
  • performing with a purpose, and
  • working collaboratively.
Readers Theater is readers reading a script adapted from literature, and the audience picturing the action from hearing the script being read aloud.  It requires no sets, costumes, props, or memorized lines.  Instead of acting out literature as in a play, the performer’s goal is to read a script aloud effectively, enabling the audience to visualize the action.  Performers bring the text alive by using voice, facial expressions, and some gestures
Benefits of Using Readers Theater in the Classroom or Library?
Readers Theater helps to….
  • develop fluency through repeated exposure to text.
  • increase comprehension.
  • integrate reading, writing, speaking, listening in an authentic context.
  • engage students.
  • increase reading motivation.
  • create confidence and improve the self-image of students.
  • provide a real purpose for reading.
  • provide opportunities for cooperative learning.
Tips for Implementing Readers Theater
  • Model expressive reading often.
  • Introduce Readers Theater using pre-prepared scripts.  Students need to grasp the concept of Readers Theater and become familiar with the format of a script before writing their own.
  • Teach the basic steps of performance: how to use highlighters to mark the parts, how to interpret the part and read expressively, how to hold the script, and when to assume various stage positions.
  • Give the students lots of time to prepare. Emphasize practice.  Readers should practice their roles in different ways: individually and in small groups, privately and in front of others. 
  • Keep a copy of the marked script at school and send one home for parents to read and practice with their children.
  • Rehearse with the readers, providing needed direction and support regarding their interpretation, pacing, expression, volume, positions, and motions.
  • Begin with short presentations.
  • Perform for an audience as often as possible.
  • Use props sparingly.
Selecting Text for a Readers Theater Script
Readers Theater may be performed with many kinds of literature: picture books, short stories, parts of novels, poetry, folk tales, works of non-fiction, newspaper or magazine articles.  Not all literature, however, makes a good Readers Theater script.  Look for literature that ….
  • is interesting or has compelling content.
  • has a strong story line, interesting characters, conflict, plot action, humor.
  • uses dialogue.
  • is not filled with descriptive passages.
  • flows at a steady pace.
Tips for Creating a Readers Theater Script
It is not necessary to use a piece of literature in its entirety.  Excepts can be used very effectively.  Be sure to keep in mind the reading level of the readers in selecting a piece of text.  Choose text that is within the reach of your readers and that they can read aloud successfully, given repeated practice. 
Start with picture books.  Model how to create a script and create several scripts as a class before asking the students to create their own scripts in small, cooperative groups. Once you have selected the piece of text you wish to adapt to script form, show the students how to ….
  • determine what portions of the text to leave in to be true to the story line, characters, or topic and which portions can be deleted. 
  • delete the less critical passages: descriptions, transitions, etc. 
  • rewrite or modify those passages that need to be included but require adaptation.
  • keep speeches and narrative passages short.
  • divide the parts for the readers.
Characteristics of an Effective Readers Theater Reader
An effective reader….
  • Reads with expression, proper emphasis, and clear enunciation, using his/her voice effectively to convey meaning.
  • Projects to the audience.
  • Is familiar with the part and is able to read it with fluency.
  • Paces himself/herself effectively.
  • Uses props, when employed, effectively (the script is a prop).
  • Demonstrates poise and self-confidence.
 (from "What is Readers Theatre)

Grade 1S is dancing!!!

In Grade 1 we introduce the concept of Dance by learning how to perform simple movements in response to oral instructions and by introducing our little ones to basic locomotor and axial movements.
Enjoy the G1S class in one of their dance classes :)

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Grades 3 - 6: Here you can click and practice for the Halloween performance:)

Grades 3 and 4: 

                                                               Grades 5 and 6:

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Practicing for the Awareness Week Song

Get ready to sing it, live it, and enjoy it!!

Practice, practice, practice and you might get a solo part during the recordings!!

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Thursday, September 4, 2014

It's time to go Sticky! (grade 4 - Julia)

The Sticky Board is the new activity of the Performing Arts Class.

Every week, a new name for each grade (3 -6) will appear on the special sticky board section and this student needs to prepare a funny poem, or a monologue and perform it in front of the class.

The goal is that everyone learns to deal with an audience, and everyone learns to respect the effort and emotional state of an actor/actress.

Congratulations to Julia, our very first one - from Grade 4.
Enjoy her performing a poem that wrote by herself: "I Love Chocolate"

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

An online questionnaire for Grades 3 - 6

Hello everyone and welcome to an exciting school year in Performing Arts.

This year, I have prepared an online questionnaire for you aiming to make Performing Arts a course that will help you efficiently, based on your needs and abilities.

Please click on the link below and complete this form:

Getting to know YOU!

Monday, August 25, 2014

Welcome to the merged blog for music, drama and dance classes in Elementary HIS!

August, 2015

Dear Parents,

My name is Faye Rigopoulou and I’ll be teaching Performing Arts for the fifth year here in HIS. Performing Arts is a profound and important part of any child’s education and the skills learned and experienced through Music and Drama classes will probably affect and certainly improve your child’s abilities in many areas of their life. 
Through their school journey in Performing Arts they will develop their creativity and confidence, promote their self-discipline and self-motivation, improve their memorizing skills and their English language skills and deal with unexpected situations through learning the wonderful self-generated problem solving procedure.
Best of all, they will expose themselves to art and culture building a strong sophisticated cultural background which will add enjoyment, depth and meaning to both personal lives and professional work as adults.
I am very happy to announce that this year we will include some Dance classes, offering to our Elementary students the chance to experience the course of the Performing Arts in its whole form.
Please, make sure that your child wears comfortable clothes (or PE uniform) for the Drama Class. (Skirts are not recommended) and don’t forget to remind your child to bring the PA folder from the previous years.
Drama Club: 
Our HIS ED Drama Club has performed with absolute success the past years  famous full length Broadway productions such as, “The Beauty and the Beast”, “Annie”, “Matilda”  and the smashing theatrical hit “The School of Rock”
Although this year we will not perform a major show, our Drama Club is happily accepting new applications from Grades 4, 5 and 6. There will be an entry audition, including a song and a small monologue of their personal choice.
This does not apply for the returning Drama Club members.
The auditions will be private and will be arranged via email.
Our Drama Club blog’s address is: 
You can always contact me at: 
Looking forward to a fabulous and creative school year!

Sincerely yours,
Faye Rigopoulou

Friday, May 9, 2014

Grade 6: FATE NO ESCAPE_ The Making of a Movie

May 8, our first shooting day.
Scripts have been copied- Yehna is ready with her claquete, Kevin is the cameraman and Sharon directs.
Enjoy some sneak a peak pictures from the making of "Fate, No Escape"

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Creative Dance Day - the videos :) - Squirrels in my pants

No words can describe  the fun, the positive energy and the rhythm of that day!
And it's all thanks to you and your awesome dancing!!
Enjoy the videos from your performance :)