Thursday, March 12, 2015

Making a theatre full of characters! (Grade 1 project)

Finger Puppets again, but with a different goal and function!

As the first graders are growing up and comprehend terms such as "stage" and "characters", they are given the opportunity to make their own finger puppets - this time not related to any known fairy tale or story.

As they grow their "theatrical cast" they work in groups preparing a constructive theatrical puppet production.

Sticky Board Performances: Grade 4 Gorden and Bevis

More music talents in Grade 4!

Watch Gorden playing his saxophone and Bevis as a piano man this time!

Grade 4 Performing Arts - Project: A Drama Dice

The project "Drama Dice, Story starters!" encourages the 4th graders to improvise stories on the spot including a specific character and developing this character in a small story of theirs.

The idea is very simple and very effective as well.

They all need to create their paper dice (all the remaining paper is used as weight inside their dice so nothing is a waste :) and they need to choose every time different characters from a paper with various images (baby, witch, dragon, superhero, pirate etc.) stick the selected 6 characters on their dice and start the drama game:
They roll the dice and they come up with a "story-on-the-spot".

Enjoy some pictures from their first day:

Music Gallery from the Grade 2

As usual, every year around this time the Grade 2s are creating small miracles with the music notes and the basic music terms.

Using the project "Gallery Of Music" suggested by Joy Morin (2012) the students need to draw the music sign or term,  but using it creatively and including it in a bigger picture of a life event (for more music galleries please check previous years).

Here are some of the artworks that are really inspired, and are teaching us all that music is still alive and fresh!

Stay tuned for more brilliant ideas in our next posts!

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Our Shakespeare winners in Grade 5

Kindergarten is making finger puppets :)

The finger puppets are a great Drama start for smaller ages.

The fact that each student can choose to play by him/herself or to include some friends and improvise a story with their finger puppets is a huge boost to their fantasy and creative.

Enjoy some of our pictures in PA class: