Saturday, June 4, 2016

Our winning group: 4B

Enjoy Dean, Shiue Lang, Julian and Terry performing a rhythmic skit based on STOMP!

Grades 3 - 6 voted and brought them to the 1st place with 74 votes;

Friday, May 6, 2016

Question (+5) for Grade 4

Which Musical broke all records this year and is nominated for 16 Tony Awards?

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

A Unique Class for Parents Only!

Very excited to announce that our (first of many) class will take place
on Tuesday, May 17, 15:10, at the Music Room (4th floor) IBSH New Building.
Sign up - places are limited  :)

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

A sincere (and touching) insight of the 3rd graders about dancing

How do you feel when you are dancing? Do you like to dance?
The 3rd graders in IBSH  (3B Class) have shared with us their insight about having for the first time dancing lessons during Music as a Performing Art class.

They may not realise it, but by the end of this video take, they had strengthen their skills in:
- Spatial Awareness
- Problem Solving
- Motivation and Commitment
- Perseverance
- Collaboration and Teamwork
- Respond to Constructive Criticism
- Respect for Deadlines
- Rhythm and Tempo manipulation
- Developing Accuracy reproducing dancing routines
- Memorization
- Self Confidence and Better Health

while having fun!

Friday, January 8, 2016

Questions for your Class Dojo points :)

Hello again!

Here are some questions that will help you gain some points in your Class Dojo account:
Remember that they expire on January 15th.

Grade 3:
2 questions about celli: a) In which music key do you read the notes when you play a cello?
                                      b) What is the "King" and where is it located?

Grade 4: 
2 questions about dance: a) What is "tap dance"
                                        b)  What do you need to dance tap dance?

Grade 5:
2 questions about general music history knowledge: a) What is the difference between the violin and the fiddle?
b) What is "Surf" Music? Give an example!

Grade 6:
Please answer all questions above :) (Total 6)

Grade 6 - Demo routine for you to study (Gibberish)

Here is the routine for you to study for your finals.
Have fun, challenge your family members to see who will memorize it first ;) and, most important - FOCUS ON THE DETAILS!

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Final Exams in Music - Schedule

Grade 3A and 3B - Monday, January 18th during Music Class time.

You have to study:  a) The Parts of a Cello, b) Memorize the  dancing routine of "Never Gonna Give You Up"

Grade 4A: Friday, January 15th during Music Class

You have to study:  a) Name of the notes in treble clef, b) Memorize the dancing routine of "Blame"

Grade 4B: Tuesday, January 19th during Music Class 

You have to study:  a) Name of the notes in treble clef, b) Memorize the dancing routine of "Blame"

Grade 5A and 5B: Tuesday, January 19th during Music Class

You have to study: a) All notes from your Music History classes and the open quizzes, b) Memorize the dancing routines 5A "The Choice Is Yours"  and 5B "Animals"

Grade 6A: Friday, January 15th during Music Class, 6B: Monday, January 18th during Music Class

You have to study: a) 2nd and 3rd intervals b) Memorize the dancing routine "Gibberish"

As this is the first time you will be evaluated in Dance, here are some useful information you might want to know:

  • Dance education teaches the values and skills of creativity, risk taking, making judgments in the absence of rules, and higher-order thinking skills.
  • Dance provides an opportunity for students to recognize that there are multiple solutions to problems.
  • Dance teaches you tempo, melodic lines, pitch and rhythmic patterns - same things you learn in your music theory :)
  • Dance routines help you train your visual and aural memorization skills!
  • Dance education helps you with to understand better space, time and your body movement.
  • Dance education helps students develop physical fitness, and effective stress management approaches.
During your Dance Evaluation you will be observed on:
  • How good you have memorized the dancing routine
  • If your movements are on beat (on tempo)
  • If both your upper and lower body move according to the routine
Good luck to everyone and have fun during your preparation!