Monday, November 19, 2012

Rehearsing on stage : "Harold the Great" by grade 5

Day one on stage: The beginning of a play.

Directors: Sharon and Shawn.

The King and I ! 

"I kneel before you!"

"what? nonono! this is wrong!"

Sharon and the bucket@

Teressa fell in love with this outfit!

As I told you...

The battle scene begins...

Shawn is the choreographer of the martial arts too!

"No! You are going to hurt yourselves! Watch me.."

"You duck.."

"And then you grab..."

"Are you paying attention now?"

"And then you push down"


In the mean time... in the costume room, the costume team...

Tiffany and the dress...

We have a lot of things to do!

What about this?

Teressa... and the white dress.. again!


Shawn! You are not the actor!

"I am leaving... but I really liked it!"

Okay, lets see the scene now

They are pretty good!

..and you duck...

and now? do I die?


Sharon is pretty serious about this!

observing and directing...

..and torturing... no,no,no you are not in Matilda!

or maybe.. yes?

What is this?

Ms. Faye! This is a coffin!

A what?

HI Jonathan!

We need flowers!

How does it look like?

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