Monday, March 25, 2013

Grade 1_Show ! Don't tell! (part 1: scared)


Observe the similarities of the faces above:  Eyes wide open, eyebrows lifted up, mouth open, hands up.

Use the elements of the story below and show us the scene:

Todd was alone in the dark, deserted house.
He felt scared.
A noisy bat flew past him.
A rat ran over his foot.
He ran.

 Answer the questions:  
What do you know about Todd? (main character)
 How does he feel? 
How does his body react? ( (Sweaty palms, heart raced, bitter taste in his mouth etc.) 
What do you know about the house? (set)
(Wooden floor that creaks, black curtains etc.)
What do you know about the bat and the rat? (props)

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