Monday, March 10, 2014

Grades 1-4: Creative dance month.

Performing Arts is a three dimensional class, including Music, Drama and Dance.
This month I will dedicate a lot of time with Grades 1 - 4 introducing the "Creative Dance" to our PA students.
Creative dance is very important - especially for the young ones because - if introduced at an early age -can create an environment that gives space to use the body as a healthy and expressive communication tool by involving the child physically, emotionally and intellectually.
By following the steps of a choreography, the young dancers develop  gradually strong confidence, a positive presence and a creative way to reduce stress.

Right now, we are working on some choreographies and we will present them to you during our double assembly on March 21st 14:10 at the auditorium.
Your presence and support would mean a lot to us!!

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