Thursday, October 11, 2012

Grade 6: Building a full script


Team 1: Michael, Elijah, Alkmini, Eileen, Amanda

Team 2: Mitchell, Kevin, Jonathan, Zoe, Haruka

Team 3: Bryan K,  Jack, Bryan Y, Wilson, Lawrence

The best script, gets to perform it on stage using costumes, backgrounds and props.
The members of the winning team will not be able to perform but they will be the technical team:
Directing, Stage Managing and Crew, Costumes etc.
They will also have audition between their classmates to pick their characters.

The performance will be presented at the HIS theatrical stage.


1. Title and brief synopsis of the story
2. 5 Characters (Doubling is acceptable only when the characters don't interact)
    Description of each character ( how old? what short of personality does he/she have?
    special characteristics)
3. Description of the costumes for each character
4. 2 Acts ; each Act 2 scenes. Each scene at least 5 minutes long. (Total duration: 20 minutes)
5. For each Scene:
a. curtains?
b. lights? what colour?
c. spot light? use the stage areas to indicate
d. background?
e. props? (notes for Stage Manager)
6. Director notes for actors and stage crew.

You may come to my room and take a look at samples of scripts - or ask me to unlock you again the cabinets with the costumes to do your research.

Helping Links:
Good fantasy names generator:
Random names generator:

  • A one-minute script should be about 150 words
  • A two-minute script should be about 300 words
  • A three-minute script should be about 450 words

Monday, October 8, 2012

Grade 5: Creating a script (Best Script gets to perform it on stage!)

Come up with: 

1. a title!
2. a brief synopsis of the plot
3. Place and Time (When and Where)
4. At least 4 Characters. ( Doubling is acceptable if you want to add more, but make sure they are not interacting on stage)
5. Describe your characters: Male or Female? Age? How do they look? What do they wear?
6. Act one ( one scene) and Act two (one scene)
7. Give light orders - if spot light please be specific. Be very careful when there is a black out or a fade out.
8. Background ( describe) - use stage areas
9. Stage Manager Notes: Any props?
10. Director's notes: Actor comes on stage from stage left, and  starts the lines on  up stage etc....

Have fun! The best script gets to be performed with real costumes, props and actors on stage!

Airi and Yehna building the plot :)

Sharon and Shawn ...they seem to know exactly what they are doing!

Leo and Jonathan, did a big research on Renaissance before they start! Great example for the others!

Tiffany, Charlotte, Lucille and Louise joined their strength for the ultimate story line!

Teressa in a crisis of inspiration! Couldn't stop writing!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Learning about feelings...(Working on our pantomime skills!)

I am sad. I am happy. I am mixed-up. I am relaxed.... How are we going to show to our audience without using our voice how we feel?

Ee-Hang is...


Zhong Min is...


Richard is...


Yvette is...


Kitty is...


Isaline is...


Wilson is...


Aoi is...


Tom is..


Victoria is...


I know! I know!

We know!!


Ayane is...


Ashley is..

(very happy that everyone guessed!)


Michael is...


Rachel is...


Adrien is..


I KNOW!!!!

Of course! He is TERRIFIED!

Hands OFF! and Acceptance Skit ( Monday, October 1, 2012, HIS Library)

Grade 3 : Hands OFF! ( A skit created by the 3rd graders through improvisation)

Victoria and the "Cafeteria incident"

Richard is the narrator

"Hey! Why are you always first in the line?"

"The funny girl!"

"Hey! Hands OFF!"

Which group did it right?

Grade 6 - Acceptance.

My name is KEINE  (Nobody) and I come from Germany

My name is NIKO (Nobody) and I come from Croatia

"I long for a friend"

"Go away! You have a funny accent!"

"Go away! You have a funny name!"

"Don't you see we are in the middle of an important discussion? Go away!"

"If you act like them, you will be accepted"
"I don't understand. I want to be me. I don't want to act to be accepted!"

Hi, my name is INGEN (Nobody) and I come from Holland

I am new and I wish I had a friend...

Call me "friend". 
I will never walk in front of you and try to lead.
 I will never walk behind you and try to follow. 
I will always walk beside you and be your friend.

Lean on me!

Thank you!