Thursday, October 11, 2012

Grade 6: Building a full script


Team 1: Michael, Elijah, Alkmini, Eileen, Amanda

Team 2: Mitchell, Kevin, Jonathan, Zoe, Haruka

Team 3: Bryan K,  Jack, Bryan Y, Wilson, Lawrence

The best script, gets to perform it on stage using costumes, backgrounds and props.
The members of the winning team will not be able to perform but they will be the technical team:
Directing, Stage Managing and Crew, Costumes etc.
They will also have audition between their classmates to pick their characters.

The performance will be presented at the HIS theatrical stage.


1. Title and brief synopsis of the story
2. 5 Characters (Doubling is acceptable only when the characters don't interact)
    Description of each character ( how old? what short of personality does he/she have?
    special characteristics)
3. Description of the costumes for each character
4. 2 Acts ; each Act 2 scenes. Each scene at least 5 minutes long. (Total duration: 20 minutes)
5. For each Scene:
a. curtains?
b. lights? what colour?
c. spot light? use the stage areas to indicate
d. background?
e. props? (notes for Stage Manager)
6. Director notes for actors and stage crew.

You may come to my room and take a look at samples of scripts - or ask me to unlock you again the cabinets with the costumes to do your research.

Helping Links:
Good fantasy names generator:
Random names generator:

  • A one-minute script should be about 150 words
  • A two-minute script should be about 300 words
  • A three-minute script should be about 450 words

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