Monday, December 28, 2015

Make Time For What You Love :)

Watch this touching short film and remember, during these happy times of the year to make some time for what you love!
Happy Holidays everyone!

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Sticky Board with Ingrid !

Sticky Board Performance has started and gradually will be a weekly routine for all grades.

Please, enjoy Ingrid from Grade 6A, as she performs in front of her class with her flute :)

Monday, December 14, 2015

New Question to all of you :)

Let's see how well you know the story of "Christmas Carol"... the story we will present for our winter concert.
Please answer these questions and - if they are correct -  5 points to your class dojo account will be added IMMEDIATELY!

1. Who is the author of the "Christmas Carol Story" ?
2. When was the story written?
3. Whose character is this phrase: "Bah! Humbug!"
4.What does it mean?
5. Who is Jacob Marley?

Looking forward to your responses!

Coming up....this weekend!

Friday, December 11, 2015

Applying technology in classroom :)

Grade 4s are enjoying a "Magic Pen" class, where they can interact with a digital piano and play the right melodies on the board by applying the knowledge they already conquered during these months :)

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Sneak a Peak to the props of the "Christmas Carol" skit :)

Hats off to the backgrounds and props team! They did a miraculous job with this prop.
Can you guess where in the skit we will use this one? ( 5 points coming your way!)

Thursday, December 3, 2015

No matter what, the Show Must Go On!! ( A great example from Grade 4A :)

We say that no matter happens, the show must go on and the performers should not stop on stage.
But how easy is this?
Our little Scrooge here, was trying his new hat for the Winter Concert performance when suddenly he totally lost his vision.
Did he stop?
Find out in this video!

Friday, November 27, 2015

Sticky Board for Grade 4A; Lydia sings Johnny B Goode

Afraid of a microphone? Afraid of the audience?

Not any more! Through the Sticky Board Performances we learn how to be a performer!
This is Lydia, singing Rock!

Did you check the blog? Weekly facts for the Elementary Grades

As always, please go to your grade level and try to answer your class' question. Email me at . If you get it right, 5 points will be added to your Class Dojo account.

Here are the questions for this week :

Grade 3A and 3B:   What is the name of the band of classical trained cellists, all graduates from the Sibelius Academy in Finland, performing Cello Metal?

Grade 4A and 4B:  What is the name of the song performed by the Australian duo Yolanda Be Cool featured in the animation movie Madagascar 3 ?

Grade 5A and 5B: State some facts about the song Under Pressure.  Who is singing with Freddie Mercury? What was special in the recordings? What is the song talking about?

Grade 6A and 6B: Please answer all questions above :)

Have a happy and cosy weekend!

And here is a video for your entertainment:

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Second video for re-evaluation for Grade 4B

As we're coming closer to the Winter Concert we need to re-evaluate our performance and fix any mistakes we see (or hear!) :)

Monday, November 23, 2015

Highlights from the past month in Music as a course of Performing Arts class

Midterm Exams!

Practicing the winter concert's dancing routine :)

On beat!

Working with a dance partner

Working on synchronization

Learning how to become a performer

Oh these moves!

Isaiah captivating his audience :)

This is how you enjoy being on stage!

Sticky board with style!

Being evaluated by their audience

Dancing on beats

Sometimes, observing yourself in the mirror is funny!

Revising with a fun way

Treble clef questions? No problem!

A big Hurray! to Ryoka!

Hm... let me think....

Going crazy about their class dojo accounts!

So... do you know the answer to this one??

Friday, November 20, 2015

Did you check the blog? Weekly facts for the Elementary Grades

Hello all!

...and we are back! This time, I have a question for each grade. Please read it and research to find the answer.
Then email it to me ( and if you get it right, you will get the +5 points on your Class Dojo account!

Grade 3A Question:
What is the name of the fist group, Michael Jackson performed with?

Grade 3B Question:
What is the name of the most famous violin?

Grade 4A Question:
Who are the Wiggles?

Grade 4B Question:
Who is Jerry C? How did he become famous?

Grade 5A Question:
What happened in 2009 with the song YMCA?

Grade 5B Question:
Who is and what genres of music is he performing?

Grades 6A and 6B Question:
Please answer all the above questions :)

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Students of the month October in Music as part of Performing Arts Course


Patty and Jenson Grade 3A

Tiffany, Grade 3B

Wony, Grade 4A

Kelly, Grade 4B

James, Grade 5A

Kana, Grade 5B

Julia and Elliot, Grade 6A

Mollie, Grade 6B

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Self Evaluating video for Grade 5B

You know what you have to do :)
Please, watch the video and try to see your group as a whole dancing body. Discover possible mistakes and let's talk about them next time and, of course - keep the good parts of your dance!

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Self Evaluation Video for Grade 5A

Hello guys,
As we already talked in class, when you dance you are not fully aware of how you look or how do you affect the performance of your group.
This video is uploaded for you to watch it, evaluate your performance, fix your mistakes and keep the good parts :)

Did you check the blog? Weekly facts for Elementary Grades

Grade 3: 
 I know you love it and I know you would like to watch it again. Here it is, for you that you check regularly the class's blog:

Grade 4:

You love to dance, and here are some facts about dancing:
  • Dance reduces stress - so before your midterm exams dance as much as you can!
  • By saying "Break a Leg" before a dance performance, you mean exactly the opposite :)
  • This is a floor that when you dance on it, you can charge your computer or your cellphone:

    Grade 5:

    The 27 Club, is a term that refers to popular musicians that have died at the age of 27.
    This is a link to a name list of the most famous names included in this deadly list:

    Grade 6:

    In the frame of our Music History classes, here are some videos of bands we already got to know in the class and I think you will enjoy:

    Rock: Queen, Don't Stop me know

Alternative Rock: Muse, Uprising

Friday, October 23, 2015

Self-Evaluation video for Grade 4B

Listening yourself while performing with your group is a very important.
While playing in the group the performer is focused on what is playing and cannot have a general idea of how the entire performance sounds.
 When you can listen to your performance you can identify the positive or negative elements of your style and keep them or correct them.
This is the first of many to come self-evaluation videos  for the Grade 4Bs, playing the Canon in D.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Midterm Exams in Music : Elementary's Schedule

Monday, November 2, 2015

Grade 3A : Period 3
Material to study: Notes in Treble Clef, Basic Durations (Music Math)

Grade 3B: Period 4
Material to study: Notes in Treble Clef, Basic Durations (Music Math)

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Grade 5B: Period 5
Material to study: Size of Intervals, Tones and Semitones, Types of 2nd intervals, Music Math, Rhythm Dictation

Friday, November 6, 2015

Grade 4B: Period 1
Material to study:  Notes in Treble Clef, Sharps, Flats, Naturals, Music Math, Rhythm Dictation

Grade 6B: Period 4
Material to study: Size of Intervals, Tones and Semitones, Types of 2nd intervals, Music Math, Music History - Listening

Grade 4A: Period 5
Material to study:  Notes in Treble Clef, Sharps, Flats, Naturals, Music Math, Rhythm Dictation

Grade 6A: Period 6
Material to study: Size of Intervals, Tones and Semitones, Types of 2nd intervals, Music Math, Music History - Listening

Grade 5A: Period 7
Material to study: Size of Intervals, Tones and Semitones, Types of 2nd intervals, Music Math, Rhythm Dictation

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

What's that Sound? The Violoncello (3rd Grade)

Being able to study the instrument and listen live the sound is a great aspect in the today's music classroom.
Students are encouraged to use the "Sticky Board" privilege and perform with their instrument live for their friends and classmates.
Here is Dong, in Grade 3, introducing the Violoncello in class:

Learning to perform in public (Sticky Board) and to evaluate a performance (Middle School)

Part of the course of Performing Arts is the opportunity to expose the students in a public performance and the chance to learn to evaluate a performance.
Sticky Board is our Magic Word - a word that everyone is scared of at the beginning, eventually though, grows to love and anticipate.
Here is a small video of some of the Grade 7 and Grade 8 Sticky Board Performances:

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Grade 4 rehearsing in a pitched percussion group

Take a sneak peak from the Winter Concert rehearsals :)
Grade 4s are  practicing on their song which requires various different parts on glockenspiel and xylophone.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Grade 3B violin performances :)

Thank you Tiffany, Morris and Candice for the lovely musical moments you gave to all of us!
Here is a small video of our gifted Grade 3B performers :)

Modern Music History Course - Grades 4 and 5

Learning modern music history is very important, especially in our days that music is evolving day by day.
Grade 4 is exploring the paths of Rock'n'Roll while Grade 5 is learning about Classic Rock, movements and genres related to Rock, along with bands that changed the way we listen to music.
And, which is the instrument to get to know a bit better than the one that transformed the music audition for ever?
We start with the acoustic guitar and we learn basic finger placement and how to read tabs.
Enjoy some of our moments from the first class:

Grade 4A:  (Scroll down for grade 5)

Grade 5A