Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Did you check the blog? Weekly facts for Elementary Grades

Grade 3: 
 I know you love it and I know you would like to watch it again. Here it is, for you that you check regularly the class's blog:

Grade 4:

You love to dance, and here are some facts about dancing:
  • Dance reduces stress - so before your midterm exams dance as much as you can!
  • By saying "Break a Leg" before a dance performance, you mean exactly the opposite :)
  • This is a floor that when you dance on it, you can charge your computer or your cellphone:

    Grade 5:

    The 27 Club, is a term that refers to popular musicians that have died at the age of 27.
    This is a link to a name list of the most famous names included in this deadly list:

    Grade 6:

    In the frame of our Music History classes, here are some videos of bands we already got to know in the class and I think you will enjoy:

    Rock: Queen, Don't Stop me know

Alternative Rock: Muse, Uprising

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